Horror City frontman Superstar has adopted the collective's name as his own and sent over a brand new Pete Rock-produced single and accompanying artwork to mark the occasion.
Long Island Rap Blog, having eaten through one free Soundcloud account, is proud to premiere said single as the first upload to our new Soundcloud account, @LongIslandHipHop.
You, being all about referring to things like songs and blog posts as "content," recognize that this is some dope original content, follow everybody involved and enjoy thoroughly.
Rakim Performs New Song & Reworks Classics @ NPR
Perfoming a set including the new Luke Cage song "King's Paradise" as well as "Paid In Full" and "Know the Ledge (Juice)", Rakim is joined by Adrian Younge (keys), Ali Shaheed Muhammad (bass), Jack Waterson (guitar), David Henderson (drums), Loren Oden (vocals), Saudia Mills (vocals), Angela Munoz (vocals), Stephanie Yu (violin), Bryan Hernandez-Luch (violin), DeAndre Shaifer (trumpet) , Jordan Pettay (saxophone), Joi Gilliam (vocalist) and Christone "Kingfish" Ingram (guitar).