
Disco Vietnam - House Rabbi Vol. 7

After and before. Disco Vietnam posted House Rabbi Vol. 7 to Bandcamp 985 days after posting Vol. 1. And there's a 5.5. That's a new instrumental hip-hop album every 123 days or nearly three a year. Before I even get to the music, let's take a moment to consider what a rap mitzvah it is that all seven of these projects are available at the generous rate of pay-whatever-the-fuck-you-can-including-$0-if-you-so-choose. It's not that these beats aren't valuable, and it's not that Disco doesn't value them. He must know he making that salt-of-the-earthen-criminological-elite-enteprise-level mack music. It's probably just that he wants you to rap on it. Do that. Yes, you.

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